Casting Light on the Shadows - Dundurn

Casting Light on the Shadows

Canadian Perspectives on Special Operations Forces

Published February 2007


Special Operations Forces (SOF) have never been an integral element of Canada’s military capability. Although units have existed periodically throughout the country’s history, they have always been in the shadows. However, the terrorist attack in the United States on September 11, 2001, changed that. In the aftermath of 9/11, SOF became the force of choice. Casting Light on the Shadows consists of a series of essays on SOF-related issues written by individuals with specialized knowledge and expertise in the field. As well as providing a solid foundation for SOF theory, historical background, and evolution, the book also highlights ongoing developments in SOF.


Colonel Bernd Horn

Colonel Bernd Horn is a retired Regular Force infantry officer and military educator. Dr. Horn has authored, co-authored, and edited more than forty books, including A Most Ungentlemanly Way of War: The SOE and the Canadian Connection and No Ordinary Men: Special Operations Forces Missions in Afghanistan. He lives in Kingston, Ontario.

Tony Balasevicius

Major Tony Balasevicius is an experienced infantry officer who is currently on staff in the Department of Applied Military Science at the Royal Military College of Canada.

Book Details

February 2007
328 pp
February 2007
6x9 in
328 pp
February 2007
328 pp