Loyal Service - Dundurn

Loyal Service

Perspectives on French-Canadian Military Leaders

Published February 2007


French Canadians have a long, proud history of serving their nation. From the earliest beginnings, French Canadians assisted in carving out and defending the nascent country. They were critical as defenders and as allies against hostile Natives and competing European powers. In the aftermath of the conquest, they continued, albeit under a different flag, to defend Canada. Loyal Service examines the service of a number of French-Canadian leaders and their contributions to the nation during times of peace, crisis, and conflict spanning the entire historical spectrum from New France to the end of the twentieth century.


Colonel Bernd Horn

Colonel Bernd Horn is a retired Regular Force infantry officer and military educator. Dr. Horn has authored, co-authored, and edited more than forty books, including A Most Ungentlemanly Way of War: The SOE and the Canadian Connection and No Ordinary Men: Special Operations Forces Missions in Afghanistan. He lives in Kingston, Ontario.

Roch Legault

Dr. Roch Legault is an associate professor of history at the Royal Military College of Canada. He has published works that focus on Canadian military history and strategy.

Lieutenant-General J.H.P.M Caron

Book Details

February 2007
336 pp
February 2007
6x9 in
336 pp
February 2007
336 pp