Back To ListVivian UntangledBySarah Hartt-SnowbellPublished May 2006PDF$ 8.95PDF$ 8.95Paperback$ 29.99 Add to CartShop LocalDescriptionNew Year’s 1955 is coming up fast, and eleven-year-old Vivian is determined to buy a snazzy new diary. The diary is soon put to good use, as Vivian must untangle the web of problems in her life, including a stolen keepsake of her grandfathers and her constantly arguing parents. Does her grandfather suspect her when he realizes one of his greatest treasures is missing? Does her father really mean it when he says hes leaving? Compelled to do everything in her power to keep her family together, Vivian, a natural trouble-magnet and her own worst enemy, must work through these humongous problems.ContributorsSarah Hartt-SnowbellSarah Hartt-Snowbell is the author the picture books A Little Something, Yesterday's Santa and the Chanukah Miracle, and a novel for young readers, Vivian Untangled. She lives in Toronto, Ontario.View Author Page Book DetailsPDFMay 2006-134 pp9781459715875ePubMay 2006-134 pp9781459716681PaperbackMay 20065x8 in134 pp9781894917254