Back To ListA Call to the ColoursTracing Your Canadian Military AncestorsByKenneth CoxPublished April 2011PDF$ 26.99PDF$ 26.99Paperback$ 26.99ePub$ 8.99 Add to CartShop LocalDescriptionBeginning in Canadas earliest days, our ancestors were required to perform some form of military service, often as militia. The discovery that an ancestor served during one of the major conflicts in our history is exciting. When you find a family name on a Loyalist muster roll, a Canada General Service Medal with an ancestors name engraved on it, a set of First World War attestation papers, or a box of Second World War medals, you realize that one of your ancestors faced challenging events beyond the scope of ordinary living. There are ways to trace their journeys and thus flesh out a more complete story of the history of your family. A Call to the Colours provides the archival, library, and computer resources that can be employed to explore your familys military history, using items such as old photographs, documents, uniforms, medals, and other militaria to guide the search. The book is generously illustrated with examples of the sorts of artifacts and documents you can find. Of Related InterestResearching Your Irish Ancestors at Home and AbroadDavid R. ElliottInheritance in OntarioJane E. MacNamaraOntario Genealogical Society 12-Book BundleJane E. MacNamaraGenealogical Standards of EvidenceBrenda Dougall MerrimanGenealogy and the Law in CanadaDr. Margaret Ann WilkinsonContributorsKenneth CoxKen Cox is a retired elementary school principal who has been collecting military memorabilia since he was a teenager. He lives in Toronto.View Author Page Book DetailsPDFApril 2011-344 pp9781459710054PaperbackApril 20115.5x8.5 in344 pp9781554888641ePubApril 2011-192 pp9781770707672