Back To ListGhost Stories of Newfoundland and LabradorByEdward ButtsPublished September 2010Paperback$ 22.99Paperback$ 22.99ePub$ 7.99 Add to CartShop LocalDescriptionShrouded in the mists of history and legend, the province of Newfoundland and Labrador is a land of mysteries. Its waters are a graveyard for countless wrecked ships. Its lore is full of tales about treachery and murder. And it was once the haunt of pirates. Haunt, indeed! Newfoundland and Labrador has tales of the supernatural that date back centuries, to a time before Canada even existed as a nation. Here the ghosts not only lurk in old houses and forlorn cemeteries, they come up out of the sea to walk the decks of ships before the eyes of terrified crewmen. They lament out on the ice where seventy-seven men perished in the Newfoundland Sealing Disaster of 1914. And in St. Johns the courthouse is said to be haunted by the ghost of Catherine Snow, who was hanged in 1834 for the murder of her husband. Here we find tales, both personal and historical, of ghostly haunting and unexplained happenings; from the Old Hag to headless ghosts. So read on if you dare!Reviews "The book provides an excellent cross-section of stories to quicken your pulse. The fact they are distinctly Canadian makes them all the more interesting."Shelf LifePreviousNextContributorsEdward ButtsEdward Butts is the author of numerous books, including Murder, Line of Fire, Running With Dillinger, True Canadian Unsolved Mysteries, and The Desperate Ones, which was nominated for the Arthur Ellis Award. He lives in Guelph, Ontario.View Author Page Book DetailsPaperbackSeptember 20106x9 in224 pp9781554887859ePubSeptember 2010-224 pp9781770704695