Back To ListThe Write TrackHow to Succeed as a Freelance Writer in Canada Second Edition, Revised and ExpandedByBetty Jane WyliePublished April 2003Paperback$ 22.99Paperback$ 22.99ePub$ 8.99 Add to CartShop LocalDescriptionThe Write Track is a personal and practical look at the author’s freelance experience as she tells how she made it from uncertain early days to the growing confidence of a veteran. This guide is packed with the information a freelance writer needs to know, including: a writer’s self-evaluation profits from brainwaves details of the writing life and the writing business a writer’s rights and responsibilities and those important "first steps" into the freelance world If you want to make a living as a freelance writer in Canada, you need to read The Write Track.ContributorsBetty Jane WylieBetty Jane Wylie writes full-time - newspaper and magazine articles, columns, books, plays, poetry, screenplays, belle lettres, and lyrics for musicals. She is a founding member of the Periodical Writers Association of Canada.View Author Page Book DetailsPaperbackApril 20036x9 in216 pp9781550024449ePubApril 2003-216 pp9781554880294ePubApril 2003-216 pp9781770701489