Brown of the Globe - Dundurn

Brown of the Globe

Volume Two: Statesman of Confederation 1860-1880

Published July 1996


George Brown (1818-1880) was the influential editor of the Toronto Globe, the most powerful newspaper in British North America. He was also leader of the Liberal Party, arch-rival of John A. Macdonald, and the statesman who held the key to Confederation at its most critical stage. This second volume traces the sectional conflict that brought political deadlock by 1864 and makes clear Brown’s vital function in finding a way out. It also sets out in meticulous detail his career after leaving party membership in 1867. This comprehensive two-volume biography of George Brown was first published in 1959 (volume 1) and 1963 (volume 2). In 1963, Professor Careless received the Governor General’s Award for the full biography.



J.M.S. Careless

J.M.S. Careless, University Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto, was for many years Chairman of the Department of History. His historical research and writing have brought him many awards. In 1953, he won the Governor General's Award for Canada: A Story of Challenge, and in 1963 the same award for his two volume biography of George Brown, Brown of the Globe (reprinted by Dundurn Press in 1989). Deceased on April 6, 2009.

Book Details

July 1996
6x9.75 in
408 pp
July 1996
408 pp
July 1996
408 pp