The Quarantine Review, Issue 11 - Dundurn

The Quarantine Review, Issue 11

Published March 2022


The eleventh issue of a digital journal created to alleviate the malaise of social distancing with exceptional writing and artwork.

The Quarantine Review celebrates literature and art, connecting readers through reflections on the human condition — our lived experiences, afflictions, and dreams. Through The Quarantine Review, Dupuis and Sarfraz give voice to the swirling emotions inside each of us, to create a circuit of empathy between the reader, the work itself, and the wider world beyond the walls of this journal.

The eleventh issue features the work of Carolyn Bennett, Terri Favro, Susan Glickman, Catherine Graham, Jennifer Hosein, Mike Lee, Zoe Grace Marquedant, Aila Omar, Janette Platan, Deepa Rajagopalan, Greg Rhyno, Ian Roy, and Heather J. Wood.


Sheeza Sarfraz

Sheeza Sarfraz is a writer and editor who loves creating fresh, engaging, and reader-driven stories. Sheeza also consults and manages publishing for non-profit organizations. She is glad to be self-isolating at home in Toronto.

J.J. Dupuis

J.J. Dupuis is the author of the Creature X Mystery series. When not in front of a computer, he can be found haunting the river valleys of Toronto, where he lives and works.

Book Details

March 2022
48 pp
March 2022
48 pp