Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 16–20 - Dundurn

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 16–20

Maurice Duplessis / David Thompson / Mazo de la Roche / Susanna Moodie / Gabrielle Roy

Published November 2013

$ 33.99


Presenting five titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada’s history. The important Canadian lives detailed here are: influential Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis; intrepid explorer of Western Canada, David Thompson; the author of the Jalna novels, Mazo de la Roche; wilderness chronicler Susanna Moodie; and award-winning novelist Gabrielle Roy.

  • Maurice Duplessis
  • David Thompson
  • Mazo de la Roche
  • Susanna Moodie
  • Gabrielle Roy


Marguerite Paulin

Marguerite Paulin teaches at McGill University and also produces and hosts a radio program. She is also the author of René Lévesque (XYZ Publishing, 2004).

Tom Shardlow

Tom Shardlow's diverse writing ranges from poetry and prizewinning short fiction published in literary magazines to book reviews. His freelance work, which includes creative drawings and photographs, often appears as feature articles in magazines and in newspapers. He lives with his family on Vancouver Island.

Heather Kirk

Heather Kirk writes books for young people and adults. Heather has also written newspaper articles, radio scripts, and scholarly criticism. She has won several awards for her work. Her website is at

Anne Cimon

Anne Cimon is a writer and poet, living near Montreal, Quebec. She has published four books of poetry. Cimon has also worked as a freelance writer for many years and her book reviews and literary articles have been published in many Canadian and U.S. magazines and newspapers.

André Vanasse

André Vanasse obtained a Ph.D. in literature from the Université de Paris-Vincennes. He is vice-chairman and editorial director of XYZ éditeur. He is directs the Romanichels and the Étoile variables collections, and is editor of the literary magazine Lettres Québécoises. André also writes novels and essays.

Book Details

November 2013
936 pp