Back To ListThe Great Canadian Trivia BookByRandy RayandMark KearneyPublished September 1996Paperback$ 17.99Paperback$ 17.99 Add to CartShop LocalDescriptionCanada has given the world the real Winnie the Pooh, the phrase "Beatlemania," and the man who invented the Academy Awards. If it weren’t for Canada, we might not have the pie-in-the-face gag, basketball, time zones, or the dotted white line on the middle of highways. And anyone who still thinks Canada is dull obviously doesn’t know about the Canadian who was the longest serving prisoner on Alcatraz, or the night that members of Parliament threw books and toy balloons at each other during a wild debate in the House of Commons. The Great Canadian Trivia Book explores the noteworthy and the notorious, the factual and the phenomenal, the obscure and outlandish sides of the Great White North.Reviews "Fun to read." Canadian Book Review AnnuallyPreviousNextContributorsRandy RayRandy Ray is a freelance writer, author and publicist. He worked as a reporter with The London Free Press for 13 years, including three years as the newspaper's Parliament Hill correspondent. He lives in Ottawa.View Author Page Mark KearneyMark Kearney lives in London and has worked as a journalist for almost twenty-five years. He has a journalism degree from the University of Western Ontario. View Author Page Book DetailsPaperbackSeptember 19966x9 in240 pp9780888821881ePubSeptember 1996-240 pp9781459725966ePubSeptember 1996-240 pp9781459727595