The Limitless Sky Shortlisted for the 2023 CCBC Awards - Dundurn
Sep 12, 2023

The Limitless Sky Shortlisted for the 2023 CCBC Awards

Dundurn Press is thrilled to announce that The Limitless Sky by Christina Kilbourne has been shortlisted for the 2023 CCBC Awards in the Arlene Barlin Award for Science Fiction and Fantasy category. Congratulations, Christina!


This dystopian YA novel features Rook, who lives in the structured community of ArHK where she struggles to find meaning in her appointed role as the Apprentice Keeper. Gage is part of a nomadic society and has just joined the Scouts on the frontier line, a life of constant danger. Can Gage and Rook find a way to save themselves, as well as each others’ very different worlds?


The Canadian Children’s Book Centre (CCBC) is a not-for-profit that helps Canadian parents, educators and caretakers foster a lifelong love of reading in children and teens. The nominated titles represent the exceptional quality of the work by Canadian creators from across the country. Each nominated title will capture the imaginations of young readers. Learn more here.