Join film critic and author Thom Ernst for a night of lively film and TV trivia, based off his new book, 101 Fascinating Canadian Film and TV Facts, at the Monarch Tavern. Books available for sale from the York University Bookstore.
Oct 10th 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Book Launch with Literary Arts Roundtable of the Arts Council: The Worst Songs in the World Proin sed nisi ac libero dapibus convallis. Mauris sagittis semper felis, sed facilisis felis. Vestibulum ante ipsum.March 1st 2021 / 7:00pm Online, Toronto, ON
Oct 25th 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Hamilton Book Launch: Heaping Coals Proin sed nisi ac libero dapibus convallis. Mauris sagittis semper felis, sed facilisis felis. Vestibulum ante ipsum.March 1st 2021 / 7:00pm Online, Toronto, ON