Dolls In Canada - Dundurn

Dolls In Canada

Published October 1997


Dolls in Canada is two books in one. The first section is a personal and engaging look at dolls which make up our heritage; pioneer dolls, native people’s dolls, dolls from various cultural groups in Canada, dolls from legends and stories, dolls in different styles and materials, and dolls by Canadian artists.

Part two contains easy-to-follow instructions on how to make over fifteen different types of dolls, from rag dolls to jumping jacks, from hanky panky dolls to clothespeg dolls.



Marion E. Hislop

Marion Hislop has had a life-long interest in dollmaking and collecting. This interest became public in 1977 when she put together her "Good Neighbour Doll Show" in order to entertain children in schools and public libraries. This show was made up of dolls both from the various regions of Canada and from the many cultural backgrounds which make up the Canadian mosaic. Mrs. Hislop was born and educated in the city of Toronto. She now lives in Edmonton.

Book Details

October 1997
264 pp
October 1997
96 pp
October 1997
8.5x11 in
126 pp