Back To ListThe Canadian Iroquois and the Seven Years' WarByD. Peter MacLeodandCanadian War MuseumPublished January 2012Paperback$ 29.99Paperback$ 29.99 Add to CartShop LocalDescriptionThe participation of the Iroquois of Akwasasne, Kanesetake (Oka), Kahnawake and Oswegatchie in the Seven Years’ War is a long neglected topic. The consequences of this struggle still shape Canadian history. The book looks at the social and economic impact of the war on both men and women in Canadian Iroquois communities. The Canadian Iroquois provides an enhanced appreciation both of the role of Amerindians in the war itself and of their difficult struggle to lead their lives within the unstable geopolitical environment created by European invasion and settlement.Of Related InterestThe Burning of the ValleysGavin K. WattRebellion in the Mohawk ValleyGavin K. WattReviews "This fascinating book follows the fortunes of the Iroquois during each of the major campaigns. MacLeod convincingly portrays the Iroqouis as loyal and knowledgable partners in the French enterprise."Canadian Book Review AnnualPreviousNextContributorsD. Peter MacLeodD. Peter MacLeod received his Ph.D. From the University of Ottawa in 1991. His area of specialization is Amerindian-European relations in northeastern North America in the eighteenth century.View Author Page Canadian War MuseumView Author Page Book DetailsePubJanuary 2012-248 pp9781459700895ePubJanuary 2012-248 pp9781554883165PaperbackJanuary 20126x9 in248 pp9781554889778