Back To ListThe Big Book of Canadian TriviaByMark KearneyandRandy RayPublished April 2009Paperback$ 29.99Paperback$ 29.99ePub$ 7.99E-mail me when this book is available Email meShop LocalDescriptionHere in one big book is all the trivia and facts about Canada anyone needs to know. The Big Book is jam-packed with facts and stories. There are stories of important Canadian artifacts and history including what became of Canada’s World War II spy camp. All regions and provinces are covered, as well as important Canadian figures like John Molson, Elizabeth Arden and Russ Jackson. If that isn’t enough there will also be pieces explaining whatever happened to such Canadian icons as the last spike, the first skidoo and the first Tim Hortons donut shop. Some of the items are "classics." Others are little known facts. Approximately 25% of the material has never before appeared in print. This fascinating Big Book brings together for the first time in one package the most notable facts and trivia from the archives of the trivia guys’ collection.ContributorsMark KearneyMark Kearney lives in London and has worked as a journalist for almost twenty-five years. He has a journalism degree from the University of Western Ontario. View Author Page Randy RayRandy Ray is a freelance writer, author and publicist. He worked as a reporter with The London Free Press for 13 years, including three years as the newspaper's Parliament Hill correspondent. He lives in Ottawa.View Author Page Book DetailsPaperbackApril 20097x10 in504 pp9781554884179ePubApril 2009-504 pp9781770704084ePubApril 2009-504 pp9781770706149