Back To ListSpirit QuestByDiane SilveyPublished September 2009Paperback$ 11.99Paperback$ 11.99ePub$ 7.99 Add to CartShop LocalDescriptionIn the rich tradition of Coast Salish legend, mother and son Diane and Joe Silvey write and illustrate a classic quest story. Teenage twins Kaya and Tala journey into the perilous British Columbia wilderness confronting fish and fowl, beast and phantom, and the wolf spirit destined to be Tala’s protective guardian. Imaginative black-and-white illustrations complement this unique story of adventure.ContributorsDiane SilveyDiane Silvey is Coast Salish and a graduate of the Native Indian Teacher Education Program at the University of British ColumbiaView Author Page Book DetailsPaperbackSeptember 20096x9 in64 pp9781550028317ePubSeptember 2009-64 pp9781770706781ePubSeptember 2009-64 pp9781770707481