The Military Leadership Handbook - Dundurn

The Military Leadership Handbook

Published September 2008

$ 29.99


In the simplest of terms, leadership is about influencing people to achieve an objective that is important to the leader, the group, and the organization. It is the human element – leading, motivating, and inspiring, particularly during times of crisis, chaos, and complexity when directives, policy statements, and communiques have little effect on cold, exhausted, and stressed followers. Strong leadership encourages subordinates to go beyond the obligation to obey and commit to the mission in a way that maximizes their potential. The Military Leadership Handbook is a concise and complete manual that identifies, describes, and explains all those concepts, components, and ideas that deal with, or directly relate to, military leadership. The book is a comprehensive compendium that focuses on, among other subjects, cohesion, command, cultural intelligence, discipline, fear, and trust. this applied manual provides invaluable assistance to anyone who wishes to acquire a better understanding of both the theory and application of military leadership


Colonel Bernd Horn

Colonel Bernd Horn is a retired Regular Force infantry officer and military educator. Dr. Horn has authored, co-authored, and edited more than forty books, including A Most Ungentlemanly Way of War: The SOE and the Canadian Connection and No Ordinary Men: Special Operations Forces Missions in Afghanistan. He lives in Kingston, Ontario.

Robert W. Walker

Monsieur Robert W. Walker, Ph.D., est professeur agrege a l'Institut de leadership des Forces canadiennes et est specialise en recherche sur le leadership, les capacites du leader et les strategies au developpement du leader.

Book Details

September 2008
560 pp
September 2008
560 pp