Treasure and Intrigue - Dundurn

Treasure and Intrigue

The Legacy of Captain Kidd

Published September 2002

$ 22.99


Three hundred years ago, Captain Kidd was hanged for piracy, but before died he claimed to have hidden a vast fortune in the Indies. In the years since, maps to the fabled island have appeared and there have been many attempts to recover that treasure. This book examines Kidd’s life against the backdrop of piracy in the Indian Ocean and concludes that there is much to justify his claim, and even more to his story - a life of piracy thrust upon him by noble backers, men who broke their own laws and then let him die for their crimes.



Graham Harris

Graham Harris is a retired civil engineer living in Bedeque, Prince Edward Island. He has authored a number of articles and books of a technical and historical nature, including The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: A Geotechnical Perspective, which was the basis for a recent BBC documentary, and Oak Island and its Lost TreasureDeceased 11 July 2014.

Book Details

September 2002
348 pp
September 2002
6x9 in
348 pp
September 2002
348 pp