Back To ListTravels with my DaughterByNiema AshPublished October 2001ePub$ 8.99ePub$ 8.99Paperback$ 21.99 Add to CartShop LocalDescription"You could say I had an unconventional upbringing. At the age of four, I was sharing my bedroom with Bob Dylan, and by the time I was fifteen, I had been taken out of school to go traveling and was smoking joints with my mother." Some may be shocked at the adventures mother and daughter share, but everyone will admire Niema’s celebration of travel, motherhood, and life itself, as this honest and often humourous account describes how she copes with: The overwhelming desire to travel, which conflicts with the responsibilites of motherhood. Finding the confidence to believe in herself and her instincts. Being a single mother in the sixties while mixing with some of the most talented poets and musicians of our time, including Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Irving Layton, Seamus Heaney, and Joni Mitchell. Developing a unique mother-daughter bond that many only dream about. This book will touch a hidden nerve in everyone who reads it as it turns a world of convention and protocol upside-down!ContributorsNiema AshNiema Ash is also the author of the bestselling Touching Tibet. Travel is her driving passion, and she has hitched-hiked, sailed, driven, flown, and trekked the world over.View Author Page Book DetailsePubOctober 2001-296 pp9781459714427PaperbackOctober 20016x9 in296 pp9781550023725ePubOctober 2001-296 pp9781554880881