Free Books for All - Dundurn

Free Books for All

The Public Library Movement in Ontario, 1850-1930

Published January 1994

$ 34.99


Free Books for All provides a detailed and reflective account of the people. groups, communities, and ideas that shaped library development in the decades between 1850 and 1930, from Egerton Ryerson to George Locke, from Mechanics Institutes to renovated Carnegie libraries. A chronological narrative, lively writings by the people involved, tables, maps, graphs, and period photographs combine to tell the stories of the librarians, trustees, educators, politicians, and library users who contributed to Ontario’s early public library system.

The book brings to life a fascinating period of library history. The movement to use the power of local governments to furnish rate-supported library service for citizens was a successful Victorian and Edwardian thrust. Today, more than 500 public libraries span the province, serving as intermediary points between authors and readers and providing a wide scope of information and programming services for educational and recreational purposes.

The libraries themselves are, in part, a tribute to the men and women who worked tirelessly to promote library service before 1930. This new study will deepen our understanding of the people and processes that established the foundation for modern public library service in Ontario and Canada.



Lorne Bruce

Author Lorne Bruce has worked as chief librarian at Hanover and King Township public libraries and is currently a collection development librarian at the McLaughlin Library, University of Guelph. He is the author of a number of journal articles and monograph publications on public library history in Ontario and elsewhere.

Book Details

January 1994
352 pp