If you’re a productivity novice or an expert, check out this book — you’ll find something to streamline your life. The three simple tools approach feels very achievable, and the included action plan is essential.
PAULA RIZZO, media consultant, author, speaker
In an era where the way we approach and think about work is going through drastic changes, this book provides a practical guide for successfully navigating your relationship with work and life.
BILL BECKER, associate professor, Virginia Tech
This extremely practical and compelling book is written by a true expert on productivity, setting (and sticking to) priorities, and time management. Ann’s approach is simple, solution-oriented, and very achievable. Her tried and tested approach is backed by data and examples we can all relate to. Keep it close at hand for continual reference. We can all become Workday Warriors!
VAL SORBIE, partner and managing director, Gibraltar & Company
If you have a zillion things to do and you’re feeling frustrated with lack of control of your time, this book will help you. While you can’t find time or make time, you can protect time. The secret is to narrow your priorities, reduce your flexibility (counterintuitive, I know!), and limit your complications. Let Ann Gomez help you become a Workday Warrior.
DAPHNE GRAY-GRANT, Publication Coach
I was so busy, yet at a standstill in my business until I read Workday Warrior. These tools solved my dilemma and have allowed me to take my business to the next level!
ALYSON SCHAFER, parenting expert, TV personality, and author
Ann Gomez provides the core strategies that professionals need to align their efforts and optimize their performance. This book is a wonderful companion, guide, and cheerleader for anyone who wants to level up their productivity, efficacy, and confidence.
MARISA MURRAY, author, TEDx speaker, and chief executive coach at Leaderley International Inc.
Ann Gomez is a true expert in time management. The three simple tools she shares in Workday Warrior makes it easy for anyone to successfully manage their time. You will be surprised at how much time you will save each week if you follow the strategies in Ann’s book. Ann taught me these valuable skills when I first started my business. Twelve years later, I am still using these principles to simplify my life.
LAURA BERG, Professor, Author, and President of My Smart Hands Inc.
Ann Gomez understands that if you need to get something done you give it to a busy person. This book is a must-read for anyone who has too much to do and not enough time, as it gives you the strategies and tools to become much more productive, even when you consider yourself already productive.
MART Y PARKER, president and CEO, Waterstone Human Capital
With Workday Warrior, Ann Gomez has created and walks us through a clear and simple approach we all can use to help us achieve our goals — professional and personal — that will empower even the most successful individuals and teams to use their time more effectively to accomplish more of what counts. I highly recommend this book.
STEVEN BUSHONG, CEO, Bushong Media LLC, and retired senior vice president, The Walt Disney Company
Ann has written an engaging and compelling book about our most valuable resource: our time. I’ve always considered myself to be productive, and yet I still learned several strategies that would have saved me countless hours over the years. This book is a must-read for anyone who feels stretched too thin.
BRUCE BOWSER, chair, AMJ Campbell
Time is a great equalizer. We are all given the same twenty-four hours a day. It’s what we do with them that matters most. In Workday Warrior, Ann Gomez lays out easy-to-action steps to truly seize each day.
STEPHEN “SHED” SHEDLETZKY, speaker and author of Speak Up Culture
Ann has a special talent for motivating and inspiring others. In a culture where being busy is tied to our identity, this book helps us to step back and become more productive.
MART Y BRIT TON, president and CEO, Britton Management Profiles Inc.
Ann Gomez brings a wealth of expertise and years of experience to her new book. It’s an excellent guide to improving personal productivity. Ann includes relevant examples from her training business, improving the lives of clients. And she relates her own personal stories while providing a concise model for making improvements every day. Definitely worth a read if you are hoping to improve your results by becoming a Workday Warrior.
Mark Ellwood, Productivity Consultant
The advice in this book can be applied to both in-office and at-home work…Gomez offers easy tips and tricks to streamline one’s day.
Anne Logan, I've Read This blog and CBC Radio host
Workday Warrior is as impactful as it is because of Ann. The experiences that she shares, the jokes she writes, the stories she recalls of her clients and the research cited by her — everything is purposeful.
Armed with A Book blog