Back To ListUmboi IslandA Creature X MysteryByJ.J. DupuisPublished March 2022Paperback$ 17.99Paperback$ 17.99PDF$ 17.99ePub$ 6.99 Add to CartShop LocalDescriptionThe Creature X team travels to Papua New Guinea to investigate sightings of a surviving pterosaur.Laura Reagan, host of Creature X, wants to leave North America behind and step out from the shadow of her father’s cryptozoological research. She leads her team to Umboi Island, off the coast of Papua New Guinea, to shoot a cryptozoological documentary about the mysterious Ropen, a bioluminescent pterosaur-like creature that has somehow survived extinction.In a stroke of luck, Laura and her team see a mysterious purple light above the trees. Could it actually be what they’re searching for? But the hunt for the Ropen takes a drastic turn when a body turns up in the Creature X camp. With satellite phones down, Laura and her team are stuck on the island with a murderer — and no chance of help.Of Related InterestFull CurlDave ButlerA Dance of CranesSteve BurrowsWhy the Rock FallsJ.E. BarnardYard DogA.G. PasquellaThe Ancient DeadBarbara FradkinReviews Dupuis’s entertaining third Creature X mystery (after 2021’s Lake Crescent) smoothly combines scientific mystery and action. Fans of Lincoln Child’s Jeremy Logan books will hope this series has a long run.Publishers WeeklyUmboi Island is a tremendously fun murder mystery, full of savvy characters, sensory depictions of a lush jungle, and morbid lawlessness.Delphic ReviewsA solid mystery, rich setting, and lots of action...bold and confident, narrative-wise.Literary TreatsA good old-fashioned action-adventure novel, complete with martial arts, gun fights, and a far-off enjoyable, fast-paced read.Cannonball ReadsFirst and foremost a romp and an evolutionary step forward for the Boys Own Adventure genre….While writing a hunt for a mythological creature, Dupuis has managed a few blows in getting rid of other dinosaurs altogether.True Crime FictionPreviousNextContributorsJ.J. DupuisJ.J. Dupuis is the author of the Creature X Mystery series. When not in front of a computer, he can be found haunting the river valleys of Toronto, where he lives and works.View Author Page Book DetailsPaperbackMarch 20225x8 in280 pp9781459746510PDFMarch 2022-280 pp9781459746527ePubMarch 2022-280 pp9781459746534