An intimate and honest portrait of a family’s journey through postpartum depression. This book will be a godsend to any mother who finds herself stuck in a swamp of anxiety and self-doubt and who is struggling to find her way out.
Ann Douglas, author, The Mother of All Pregnancy Books
In some ways, Day Nine is a very personal story, but in so many other ways it’s a story of what happens when life – particularly motherhood – don’t go according to plan. I found in these pages the same thing that has always kept me going as a founder and a mother: the innate resilience of women and mothers born out of the power of all-consuming ferocious love. Day Nine is at times messy and horrifying, but it’s also a beautiful and inspiring ode to the power that’s found within our weakest moments
Sarah Lacy, Founder and CEO of Chairman Mom, author of A Uterus is a Feature, Not a Bug
Day Nine takes you through the overwhelming & palpable experience of being trapped by mental unwellness while highlighting the glaringly obvious disconnect of health care for the mind and body. So moving and hard to put down.
Bianca Sprague, CEO, bebo mia & Baby and Me Fitness
I believe that Day Nine should be read by anyone that plans on becoming a parent and/or works with parents-to-be. Amanda Munday bravely takes us into the eye of a storm that many mothers have experienced – and have done so alone and in silence. Munday’s writing style pulls you in and gets you comfortable with the uncomfortable. Day Nine provides its readers with invaluable lessons on the power of community, healthy boundaries and the importance of re-imagining the family structure."
Alana Nugent, Marketing Director, bebo mia & Baby and Me Fitness
Amanda Munday’s memoir Day Nine is a remarkable example of a new mother’s resilience. In vivid prose, Munday poignantly examines her experience with postpartum depression and other heartbreaking situations. She demonstrates how it’s possible to move through agony to create a fulfilling life. Day Nine is an inspiring account of perinatal mental illness, grief, joy, and recovery.
Dyane Harwood, author, Birth of a New Brain: Healing from Postpartum Bipolar Disorder
Few social identities come with more expectation and baggage than motherhood, and Day Nine is a stigma-busting, beautifully written record of what is so often suffered in silence.
Open Book