Back To ListWeird Stories Gone Wrong 5-Book BundleCarter and the Curious Maze / Myles and the Monster Outside / Jake and the Giant Hand / Alex and The Other / Blackwells and the Briny DeepByPhilippa DowdingPublished October 2018ePub$ 30.99ePub$ 30.99 Add to CartShop LocalDescriptionThey’re troubling. They’re bizarre. And they JUST might be true. They’re Weird Stories Gone Wrong.Here are five spectacularly spooky books from acclaimed children’s author Philippa Dowding that will have you wondering about tall tales, giant flies, and mysterious monsters in the dark.Jake and the Giant Hand—Book #1Jake doesn’t really believe a giant’s hand was found in a field near his grandfather’s farm, but when Jake begins noticing giant flies buzzing around and Grandpa says the basement is off-limits, he doesn’t know what to believe. Myles and the Monster Outside—Book #22016/2017 Hackmatack Children’s Choice Book Award — ShortlistedA series of creepy events follow Myles and his family one rainy night as they move across the country. But the scariest thing has to be the misty, red-eyed figure that won’t leave them alone. Carter and the Curious Maze—Book #3Carter discovers a creepy maze at the fair and travels farther and farther back in time. How will he ever get back to the present?Alex and The Other—Book #4Alex is a lonely boy, not exactly bullied but not popular either. Then a girl — named Alex! — arrives who looks just like him. She is popular, and better than him at everything. Soon, she’s even better than he is at being him. Will Alex get his life back, or will his evil twin take over for good?Blackwells and the Briny Deep—Book #5After seeing a phantom ship, the Blackwell kids run aground on a mysterious island with warring mermaids, zombie pirates, and a strange dolphin-boy named Finn.Of Related InterestJake and the Giant HandPhilippa DowdingMyles and the Monster OutsidePhilippa DowdingCarter and the Curious MazePhilippa DowdingAlex and The OtherPhilippa DowdingBlackwells and the Briny DeepPhilippa DowdingContributorsPhilippa DowdingPhilippa Dowding is an award-winning children’s author, a poet, musician and a copywriter. Her many literary nominations include the Silver Birch Express, Red Cedar, and Red Maple awards. She lives in Toronto.View Author Page Book DetailsePubOctober 2018-688 pp9781459744400