This May Hurt a Bit - Dundurn

This May Hurt a Bit

Reinventing Canada's Health Care System

Published February 2019


Some painful news: Canada no longer has the best health-care system in the world.

How might we fix Canada’s health-care system? Why would we want to? What’s stopping us from doing so? These three questions lie at the heart of this in-depth exploration of one of the biggest political and personal issues facing Canadians.

Skyvington explains why change has to occur, in light of the implications of doing nothing, and describes how Canadians can and must get involved to save our health-care system.

This May Hurt a Bit is meant to provide a blueprint for change once those in charge finally acknowledge the most inconvenient truth — namely, that Canada’s health-care system is in poor health.



Stephen Skyvington

Stephen Skyvington is one of Canada’s pre-eminent political pundits and health care policy experts. His columns regularly appear in newspapers across Canada. He lives in Cobourg, Ontario.

Book Details

February 2019
6x9 in
248 pp
February 2019
248 pp
February 2019
248 pp