One part memoir, two parts jeremiad, This May Hurt a Bit demands a discussion on healthcare. Skyvington pokes, prods, and provokes until he gets the debate Canadians need
Shawn Whatley, MD, past president of the Ontario Medical Association, author of No More Lethal Waits
Skyvington uses a lifetime of experience to do more than just tell the story of our healthcare system. He uses it to skillfully offer a bold, comprehensive prescription for its ailments
Jaime Watt, executive chairman, Navigator
Stephen Skyvington’s perspective on the intersection of politics and health care in Canada is unique and without equal. No previous account has shed such clear light on how government decision-makers and key health players interact and determine how – or whether – our health system works. This May Hurt a Bit offers a fearless and independent critical analysis and prescription for action that provides a crucial contribution to the future of health care policy-making in Canada.
Dan Rath, co-author, Not Without Cause – David Peterson’s Fall From Grace
Stephen Skyvington has written a must-read for anyone interested in exploring an honest and provocative framework for the creation of an effective, responsive and sustainable healthcare system that doesn't bankrupt the government.
Wayne Clancy, founder, MindSuiteMetrics and
Skyvington’s book documents how everyone has screwed up health care, and what we must do to save it. The prescriptions are strong, but they may save your life!
— Richard Worzel, leading futurist, speaker, and author
Skyvington has seen the decline of Ontario's health care from every perspective, including a stint as an insider at the Ontario Medical Association. He is not one to pull punches, and this book is no exception. Every doctor should read this book. So should every patient. And it will hurt a bit.
— William G. Hughes, MD, FRCPC, Cardiologist
For decades, Stephen Skyvington has seen Canadian health care through the eyes of doctors, politicians, and as a patient. He knows what’s wrong with our system and what it needs to once again become the best in the world.
Dr. Douglas Mark – President, DoctorsOntario