Migraines - Dundurn


More than a Headache

Published March 2016


A complete guide on how to treat and prevent migraines.

Though often viewed as a “women’s ailment,” migraines affect nearly 15 percent of the world’s population. In addition to the effect migraines have on the sufferers’ quality of life, they also carry an economic cost, felt especially in the form of lost work time. But by recognizing the problem and taking necessary action, migraine sufferers today can take back control of their lives.

This comprehensive, easy-to-read guide to migraine management answers all the most pressing questions of sufferers and those concerned for their health. Clinical neurologist Dr. Elizabeth Leroux explains what can predispose a person to experiencing migraines, what can trigger them, their phases, and the three recommended lines of treatment: lifestyle changes, crisis management, and preventative therapy. Emphasizing the need for good doctor-patient communication in a field where misunderstanding and frustration is too-often the norm, this book is as much a tool for health care professionals as it is for migraine sufferers and their families.


Dr. Elizabeth Leroux

Dr. Elizabeth Leroux is a neurologist specializing in headache medicine. She directs the Headache and Migraine Clinic at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire in Montreal, where she works in the management and research of headache symptoms. Convinced that migraine treatment can be improved, she is an active member of the Canadian Headache Society and the founder of Migraine Quebec, a web resource for migraine sufferers.

Book Details

March 2016
7x10 in
176 pp
March 2016
176 pp
March 2016
176 pp