Carter and the Curious Maze - Dundurn

Carter and the Curious Maze

Weird Stories Gone Wrong

Published August 2016


Carter discovers a creepy maze at the fair and travels farther and farther back in time. How will he ever get back to the present?

The fair is dull, dull, dull, and nothing interesting will ever happen to Carter again … until Carter discovers the curious maze.

Nothing has ever happened here in the history of the world, he thinks. But the maze has some strange secrets, and the spot Carter stands upon has seen some very exciting events over the centuries.

Once Carter enters the maze, odd people begin to appear. First he meets Mr. Green, the mysterious, creepy maze-keeper, then a leaf-covered girl, a lost little boy in old-fashioned clothes, a wounded British soldier, and finally an eighteenth-century Native boy who seems very authentic, indeed.

When Carter eventually escapes the curious maze, the fair is all wrong. There are too many horses, ladies in bonnets, and what’s a freak show doing there? Carter begins his travels through time, and his dull afternoon is about to get very, very interesting.



Philippa Dowding

Philippa Dowding is an award-winning children’s author, a poet, musician and a copywriter. Her many literary nominations include the Silver Birch Express, Red Cedar, and Red Maple awards. She lives in Toronto.

Book Details

August 2016
5x8 in
136 pp
August 2016
136 pp
August 2016
136 pp