Back To ListThe Adventures of Mademoiselle Mac 2-Book BundleMac in the City of Light / Mac on the Road to MarseilleByChristopher WardPublished March 2015ePub$ 13.99ePub$ 13.99 Add to CartShop LocalDescriptionMackenzie — just “Mac,” thanks — is a regular fourteen-year-old girl, until a school trip to Paris leaves her tangled up with a cast of shadowy characters, crazy cabbies, and … are those real-life gargoyles?That’s just the beginning for Mac and her zany friends, whose adventures whisk them all around France. From a dizzying encounter on top of Notre Dame Cathedral to a cutthroat race to Marseille (try to steer around the sheep), Mac’s adventures have only begun!IncludesMac in the City of LightMac on the Road to MarseilleMac in the City of LightMac’s school trip to Paris turns into an adventure she never imagined.Mac on the Road to MarseilleMac takes an adventure on the roads of France.Of Related InterestThe Little Jane Silver 2-Book BundleAdira RotsteinReviews This slightly off-beat romp carries a whiff of steampunk, travelogue, and “Bridget does Paris” new-age style, all rolled into one.… The semi-fantastical events work to keep readers’ interest and give a coordinated alternate view of a city that has been marketed as “McParis” perhaps once too often.Resource LinksWith its fast pace and abundance of laughs, Mac’s adventure is a great page-turner.Quill & QuirePreviousNextContributorsChristopher WardChristopher Ward, Canada’s original MuchMusic VJ, wrote the world-wide #1 hit “Black Velvet.” His songs have been recorded by Diana Ross, The Backstreet Boys, Amanda Marshall, and many others. He lives in Toronto and Los Angeles.View Author Page Book DetailsePubMarch 2015-384 pp9781459731912