Back To ListRaymond Collishaw and the Black FlightByRoger GunnPublished January 2013Paperback$ 26.99Paperback$ 26.99PDF$ 26.99ePub$ 8.99 Add to CartShop LocalDescriptionThe first comprehensive biography of Canada’s third-highest- scoring ace in the First World War. Ever wondered what it would be like to fly a biplane or triplane in the First World War? Raymond Collishaw and the Black Flight takes you to the Western Front during the Great War. Experience the risks of combat and the many close calls Collishaw had as a pilot, flight commander, and squadron leader. Understand the courage Collishaw and his fellow flyers faced every day they took to the air in their small, light, and very manoeuvrable craft to face the enemy.As the third-highest-scoring flying ace among British and colonial pilots in the First World War, scoring 60 victories, Collishaw was only surpassed by Billy Bishop and Edward Mannock. This book traces Collishaw’s life from humble beginnings in Nanaimo, British Columbia, to victories in the skies over France. Of Related InterestCavalry of the AirNorman LeachMasters of the AirRoger GunnDancing in the SkyC.W. HuntAmazing AirmenIan DarlingReviews This is an outstanding book which any Exex-Cadet cadet with an interest in the history of the Great War simply won’t want to miss.e-VeritasPreviousNextContributorsRoger GunnRoger Gunn is the author of Raymond Collishaw and the Black Flight, the first comprehensive biography of Canada's second-highest-scoring ace in the First World War. Roger lives in Edmonton.View Author Page Book DetailsPaperbackJanuary 20136x9 in272 pp9781459706606PDFJanuary 2013-272 pp9781459706613ePubJanuary 2013-272 pp9781459706620