Back To ListDragon in the CloudsByRosemary NelsonPublished October 1994Paperback$ 7.95Paperback$ 7.95PDF$ 7.95 Add to CartShop LocalDescriptionThe Okanagan summer stretches out in front of twelve-year-old Nikki like a sparkling rainbow, with lots of time to spend at the beach and with her horse, Ginger. When her cousin Trevor arrives in his wheelchair, spoiling all her plans, they take an instant dislike to one another. But a vision in the clouds will change both her and Trevor’s feelings about a lot of things and, in fact, will help make a dream come true as Trevor competes in the B.C. Games for the Physically Disabled.ContributorsRosemary NelsonRosemary Nelson the author of four novels, Dragon in the Clouds, The Golden Grasshopper, Galena’s Gift, and Hubcaps and Puppies. She lives in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia.View Author Page Book DetailsPaperbackOctober 19945.125x7.5 in160 pp9780929141220PDFOctober 1994-160 pp9781459712195ePubOctober 1994-160 pp9781459716377