Back To ListGeorge DawsonThe Little GiantByJoyce BarkhousePublished June 1989Paperback$ 12.95Paperback$ 12.95ePub$ 8.99 Add to CartShop LocalDescriptionAn exceptional man, George Mercer Dawson (1849-1901) a tiny hunchback, may have contributed more than any other person to early knowledge of the geology, biology and ethnology of Canada’s Northwest. Possessed of a brilliant mind, boundless enthusiasm, an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and a great love of the land, he made some of the most epic exploratory journeys in Canadian history. His maps and reports remain invaluable reference sources. Both Dawson City and Dawson Creek are named in his honour. This book tells the story of some of his life experiences and adventures.ContributorsJoyce BarkhouseJoyce Barkhouse, the biographer, shares Thomas Raddall's love of romantic history and of her native Nova Scotia.View Author Page Book DetailsPaperbackJune 19896x9 in152 pp9780920474563ePubJune 1989-152 pp9781459721005ePubJune 1989-152 pp9781554881772