To Whom the Wilderness Speaks - Dundurn

To Whom the Wilderness Speaks

Published January 1989

$ 14.95


"Lawrence was quite possibly the most remarkable woman in Canada. Certainly she was a remarkable nature writer."

- Pat Barclay, Books in Canada

"She was a premier speciman of a vital breed: the amateur naturalist. Her 7 books, 17 scientific papers, scores of magazine articles and over 500 reviews have all been based on her close and tireless observation of bird and animal behaviour."

- Merilyn Mohr, Harrowsmith


Louise de Kiriline Lawrence

A trained nurse, Louise de Kiriline Lawrence ran the Dionne Quintuplets' nursery for a year, then married and moved to the Ontario woods. There she became interested in nature observation and through her own determination and effort became a world-renowned ornithologist, bird bander and writer.

Aleta Karstad

Aleta Karstad was born (1951) and grew up in Guelph, Ontario, but lived as a girl in Wisconsin and Georgia as her father studied wildlife pathology. Her formal art training was at Central Technical School, Toronto, where she studied watercolour under Doris McCarthy.

Book Details

January 1989
6x9 in
192 pp
January 1989
192 pp
January 1989
192 pp