The Lovely and the Wild - Dundurn

The Lovely and the Wild

Published June 1987

$ 7.99


Winner of the 1969 John Burroughs Medal

From childhood Louise de Kiriline Lawrence dreamed of settling one day in an unspoiled, tranquil spot and living in harmony with nature. This beautifully written book is the story of her dream come true.

Truly a labour of love, The Lovely and the Wild is the product of an exceptional woman’s profound joy at being part of the limitless world of nature.

Louise de Kiriline Lawrence passes over in a single sentence a fascinating life "which does not belong to this book." Born in Sweden, daughter of a naturalist, she served as a translator to an American military mission during the Russian Revolution, and was in charge of a Russian military hospital. She was a delegate of the Swedish Red Cross Expedition to the Volga region during the great famine of 1922 before emigrating to Canada.


Louise de Kiriline Lawrence

A trained nurse, Louise de Kiriline Lawrence ran the Dionne Quintuplets' nursery for a year, then married and moved to the Ontario woods. There she became interested in nature observation and through her own determination and effort became a world-renowned ornithologist, bird bander and writer.

Book Details

June 1987
240 pp
June 1987
240 pp