John Walden Meyers - Dundurn

John Walden Meyers

Loyalist Spy

Published August 1996

$ 12.99


In 1777 John Walden Meyers was a farmer raising a family near Albany, New York, who did not want to get involved in the American Revolution. Nevertheless, this son of German immigrants soon found himself embroiled in the war, as a spy for the British. A sizeable thron in the side of the rebels, he settled in British North America after the war and founded the town of Belleville, Ontario.


Mary Beacock Fryer

Mary Beacock Fryer (1929–2017) was a well-known expert on Upper Canadian history. She wrote a trilogy on the Simcoe family: Elizabeth Posthuma Simcoe: A Biography, Our Young Soldier: Lieutenant Francis Simcoe, 6 June 1791-6 April 1812, and John Graves Simcoe: 1752-1806, A Biography. Among Fryer's other books are Escape, Beginning Again, and Buckskin Pimpernel.

Book Details

August 1996
6x9 in
264 pp