Quizzing Canada - Dundurn

Quizzing Canada

Published May 2000

$ 16.99


We guarantee this collection of Canadian quizzes is Y2K-proof. After all, asking tricky questions of friends and family is older than recorded time and certainly pre-dates computers. But take care. The making and doing of quizzes can start as a novelty, quickly move into a pastime, and then become an obsession. And before you know it, quizzing has become a habit that will last well into the next millennium and probably beyond.

There are many kinds of quizzes, ranging from divertissements to tests. There is a little bit of both in Quizzing Canada, for our goal is to entertain and to inform. We’ve organized the quizzes thematically around holidays, both ancient and modern, and devised the questions to test your knowledge and pique your curiosity about elusive lore and customs. Most of all, this book is meant to be fun. Entertain your companions on long car trips, test your parents’ knowledge of historical trivia, use it as a teaching tool, but most of all, have a good time.



Sandra Martin

Journalist Sandra Martin and historian Roger Hall have frequently collaborated on books, broadcasts, and other projects such as a couple of kids. Some of these have turned out more successfully than others.

Roger Hall

Roger Hall is professor emeritus of history at Western University and senior fellow at Massey College, University of Toronto. He has been editor of Ontario History and co-editor of The Canadian Review of American Studies. His publications include A Century to Celebrate and The Rising Country. He lives in Toronto.

Book Details

May 2000
6x9 in
176 pp