An Edmonton Album - Dundurn

An Edmonton Album

Glimpses of the Way We Were

Published September 1999

$ 7.99


This album is a collection of sentimental journeys into Edmonton’s past - a time when a dime was all that was needed to see a movie, and couples skated across the glassy surface of a frozen lake that is now gone.

These photos illustrate many important historical events and changes in Edmonton, from its fur-trading beginnings through decades of tremendous growth. Through the lens of a camera we revisit soldiers returning home from war; the first train rumbling into town; the first school, hospital, and business; the building of the Legislature and demolition of the original fort; the desperation of the "Dirty Thirties"; and the success of the initial oil boom.

More than one hundred and fifty black-and-white images allow us to travel back in time to revisit Edmonton’s growth and its people. Through these photos, moments in Edmonton’s past are captured eternally, rich with details that characterize the era. An Edmonton Album is the city’s memory - in pictures.



Jo-Anne Christensen

Jo-Anne Christensen is a full-time writer whose previous books are the best-selling Ghost Stories of Saskatchewan and Ghost Stories of British Columbia.

Dennis Shappka

Dennis Shappka is an electronics service technician with a life-long interest in history and photography. The authors were both born in Edmonton, and currently live there with their two children.

Book Details

September 1999
160 pp
September 1999
160 pp