Lost Province - Dundurn

Lost Province

Published November 2002

$ 7.99


Stephen Henighan, a Romanian grammar book and hours of language tapes under his belt, billets with a family as an English teacher in Moldova, a country born from the dismantling of Romania during World War II. As a Westerner in this "lost province" and former Soviet republic, Henighan feels he’s an unnerving disappointment for many Moldovans, especially to the MTV-addicted, twenty-year-old Andrei.


Stephen Henighan

Stephen Henighan is the author of four books of fiction, including The Places Where Names Vanish and North of Tourism. His short fiction has been published in journals and anthologies in Canada, Great Britain, Europe, and the United States. Recently he published the controversial When Words Deny the World: The Reshaping of Canadian Writing. Henighan teaches Spanish-American literature and culture at the University of Guelph in Ontario.

Book Details

November 2002
184 pp
November 2002
184 pp