Hopes and fears - Dundurn

Hopes and fears

Published January 1992


It has been said many times that the human future is clouded by multiple and mutually interacting problems. While in the 19th century we had the luxury of believing in almost automatic progress - an "onward and upward" assumption - that belief has been shattered by two world wars, more than 150 smaller ones, the invention of weapons of mass destruction, increasing degradation of the environment, both by pollution and resource exhaustion (i.e. adding "bads" and subtracting "goods" from our natural endowment), a horrendous (and increasing) gap between rich and poor within and between nations, explosions of racism and chauvinistic nationalism, increasing use of torture as a police method, totalitarian regimes, repeated episodes of genocide … not a picture of progress toward a better world. And yet, we have not quite lost faith in the human potential for more beneficial and harmonious development.


Hanna Newcombe

Born in Prague, Hanna Newcombe, co-founder of Peace Research Abstracts and Peace Research Reviews, was the recipient of the 1997 Pearson Medal of Peace and was elected a member of the Order of Canada in 2007 for her work in peace research and international relations.

Book Details

January 1992
9x8 in
195 pp
January 1992
195 pp
January 1992
195 pp